Nomadic Artist in Residence Program in The Philippines [October 2014: Dienke Groenhout]

September 2nd, 2014 |  Published in News

Dienke Groenhout is an Interdisciplinary artist born in 1973 in Wageningen, The Netherlands. She graduated at the Minerva Art Academy in Groningen with an animated Road Movie. After a period of focussing mainly on painting and drawings, she shifted to installation building in 2004 making this her core business. ‘Interactive installations ask a direct participation of the public and that makes working as an artist much fun.’ In all the work is a strong element of story telling. Next to the installation building she has set up a Children’s Art School in 2011: the Makefactory. And in the same year became project developer at GBK, a professional artist network.

Dienke is traveling with her family, her husband Oscar and 4 children aged 4, 6, 8 and 10 around the world. The whole family will participate in giving Makefactory workshops during the travels. And Dienke herself is making a traveling artist project and exhibiting on location during the travels. By doing so they hope to connect to the local communities and children and bring joy and creativity and intercultural exchange.


* During their residency at The Unifiedfield Nomadic Artist In Residence Program in the Philippines they stayed in Olango island, Cebu, and Davao city. More info, pictures and videos in our Facebook page

Dienke Groenhout gave an artist talk at The University of The Philippines, Cebu Campus invited by Sir Jethro Estimo on Friday 17th October 09.30 am. Fine Arts Department.

She introduced a selection of her interactive installations and video installations produced for festivals in The Netherlands; she spoke about her travels, the Make factory, the Story Landscape and the project produced at The Unifiedfield Nomadic Artist in Residence Program in The Philippines.

Make Factory

The Makefactory is an educational program to teach young children about contemporary art and how to use art as a tool to see possibilities. The core of our education is that we believe that almost any idea can be turned into a work of art. Even if it may look crazy at first! Art has no boundaries, there is nothing that needs to be proven and there is no “truth”. It is all about personal experience. In the Makefactory children learn how to develop ideas and think conceptual. They learn how to think of solutions to turn their ideas into a physical and visual work. This means that the outcome of the physical artworks can vary widely from film, to life-size drawings, to campaigns to games to search routes through the neighbourhood, and even ‘science like’ research projects. The main goal of the Makefactory is to inspire children to be curious, so they will ask questions, learn how to link different information and so become an innovative person that is able to think in possibilities instead of boundaries.

Makefactory, Olango album:

*CLICK on the pictures to see them FULL SIZE

Stop motion clips by Dienke Groenhout and her family with local kids in Olango island. The Unifiedield Nomadic Artist-in-Residence Program in The Philippines with Maakfabriek-Makefactory.

Make Factory

Dienke Groenhout conducted The Makefactory, an art workshop to orphans in the Field of Dreams Orphanage and to Brgy. Mintal community children in Davao on October 25 and 26, 2014 respectively. She stayed for a two-weeks residency in Davao City under The Unifiedfield Nomadic Artist In Residence Program in the Philippines. Made possible also with support from Swito Twins. Inc, Brgy. Mintal, and Latagaw-Lamdag Society.