GUGGENHEIM / Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei (TW)

April 1st, 2012 |  Published in News

[16/03- 15/04 ] / The videoperformance Guggenheim, part of The Unifiedfield Exhibition at The Video Art Series on MOCA Plaza No. 9 [ MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART ] / [ Taipei, TW ]


In this video, the performer destroys a wardrobe full of VHS tapes labeled ‘Guggenheim’, first with an axe, followed by a ritualistic burning of the wardrobe and tapes. This work deals with the idea of the artist’s dissolution of her own narcissism, her contradicting sentiments towards her own practice and its conflicting relation with the ‘art institutions’.

* The video-performance Guggenheim, first in the series Destroying 2000 Years of Culture, was created for an alternative art festival that took place at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao but was unfortunately censored by the direction of the museum a day before the scheduled screening on the 12th of May 2011.


Video and performance by: Marta Moreno Muñoz
Photo- documentation of the performance: Laura Brinkmann
Cameras: Kai Adam, Ana Luengo
Sound recordist: Oliver Mula
Sound designer: Marc Chia
Production: Procesos Cruzados and The Unifiedfield

Guggenheim from residua on Vimeo.